Get to know Luke, our Digital Marketing Manager who joined us in December 2023…

1. What is your day-to-day role/what does your job involve?

I’m the Digital Marketing Manager. I look after our client’s digital marketing campaigns – this involves search & social channels, audio and email.

2. How did you become interested in your area of work?

Funnily enough, I wanted to be a video game developer, so I took a double diploma in IT, which meant I had to do work experience at a blue chip marketing agency. They had a slide and an on-site barista. The rest is history.

3. What is your favourite thing about working at PAB?

There’s a perfect blend of autonomy and support and just a really nice vibe about the place—a proper team. Everyone looks out for each other to make sure we get the job done.
Honourable mentions:

  • Camille Johnson
  • Friday butty’s
  • The coffee machine

4. What trends do you think are upcoming in marketing?

Direct mail – who gets letters these days? And when you do, you open all of them, right? Handwrite it for extra points – humanise it!
Personally, I think influencer is the way forward and if you’re not working with influencers in 2024, then you’ll get left behind
More guerrilla marketing. We saw it at the backend of 2023 with Gymshark’s parking ticket stunt and Aldi’s Kate Moss; it’s crazy, and it won’t slow down now.

5. What does PAB’s value ‘data drives decisions’ mean to you?

If you aren’t looking at the data, how do you expect to grow?
If I see a campaign isn’t performing as well as I’d like, being in a purely digital role, I can literally change the trajectory of a campaign with a few clicks.

6. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Somewhere hot. Thought about Dubai, could’ve done OZ. Stayed in Leeds.

Life-changing decisions aren’t my strong point. I think Barcelona would be the one for me, it ticks every box.

7. What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

The gym/hiking/food/pub. That could be the perfect day, you know? Chuck in a haircut and you’re laughing.

8. What’s your favourite part of marketing?

I have a passion for email automation sequences and targeted user journeys – probably the inner geek looking at all those boolean’s – love it.

9. What’s something people don’t know about you?

Can’t tell you that.

10. How has your perspective on the world changed over time?

The world has become more meaningful. My eyes have opened. I’m more present and now I appreciate every breath and every interaction. Don’t really like to get too involved with politics, just stay in my own lane and be as happy as possible. I think a lot of people are doing a lot of good things to make the world a better place.